With inimitable style, Rabbit Bartholomew drives through deep Gold Coast tubes in the 1982 surf film “Stormriders” on a Hot Stuff label single fin in the classic Allen Byrne shaping style. Rabbit’s surfing on the eve of the world-changing emergence of the three-fin Thruster coalesced all the best of the classic era of surfing. Single Fins are not Thrusters, and are best ridden in a flowing, pivot-off-the-top style. Six deep channels take the design out of the simple “point and trim” approach however, and allow more dynamic turning. The rider can also step well-forward on the board through steep, hollow sections, tapping into the lines that Rabbit and his hero, Michael Peterson, took so brilliantly through the mid-70s and into the early 80s. The RAB80: named for what Rabbit was riding, circa 1980. Available in sizes 6’0” to 7’7”.